So the best part of this week has been the un-schooling we've been doing. This week Ruby's spent a lot of time reconnecting with her dolls. I think it has a lot to do with our family's recent addition of a baby girl and a recent visit with a baby cousin for her first birthday. But, I am noticing she isn't really pretending as much as she is practicing how to care for these new little people. She reminds me of myself at that age. Always loving on the wee ones:) She's asked me a few times, " Mom, how can you dress them so carefully and not hurt them? Do you have to get up really early in the morning? It takes so long when you're careful!" I tell her with practice she will become a pro. That it will become second nature. She looks doubtful and asks if babies really vomit on you.
This week she has put together a complete game show and hosted me as her contestant. She wrote out cue cards and dressed in a sequined dress complete with ruffle. The stage was set using her Hello Kitty microphone and a buzzer to ring in answers. She was thoughtful and articulate, asking questions and feeding the audience with random facts in between:) In the end, I won a CD player. I was tempted to trade it in for option B, but was glad I hadn't when she revealed a small ring box holding only an eraser!
We are planning a garden and want to grow our own summer veggies and fruits. Today we took our time looking and choosing a few different seed packets. Next, we'll figure out a raised garden for planting. Spring is coming and we can't wait!
Until then, baking cupcakes and adding sprinkles make the short days seem less dreary. The sun came out for a bit today and renewed our hope that spring is really around the corner. I tend to wish the days away when it's cold out, but today I decided to embrace them and make them count. I love incorporating every day living into learning. I love that hands on baking can be a math lesson. That game show hosting can be a geography lesson. ( I learned a plethora of facts about both Ireland and Massachusetts tonight!)
So settling in to the last of the cold front and taking the time to research raised gardens at the library:) Yep, much better than the alternative.