So, for the last couple of days I've been home sick. Cooped up, feeling lousy, going stir crazy. I'm always so thankful for my health after being sick. I think about what it would be like to be chronically ill. And, I feel so badly for those who are and struggle with this on a daily basis. After a day or two, I need to get out!
Late this afternoon, Ruby and I ventured out to return some movies and to pick up some facial soap. I really like a certain brand. The only thing is, the last time I went to get it, I was treated so rudely by the clerk, I vowed never to go back to that store. I don't spend a ton of money on cosmetics. Rarely do I wear make-up. But, I do splurge on my soap.
I was trying to think of where I could go and then remembered seeing it at a place in the mall called Sephora. Perhaps you're familiar with Sephora. Well, let me just say, I had no clue about this place other than hearing my friend Jenna and little sister Amber rave about it when it first opened. What is most shocking to me is how much fun someone who doesn't wear make-up can have in this store!
When we first went in, we were hit by all the scents (a bit over powering at first) and bright lights. On our way to get said soap, we were intercepted by a helpful clerk that led us directly to our destination. Little did I know that we would not leave for another hour and not without first getting a mini make over. (Did I mention I don't wear make-up?)
What I loved most about Sephora (aside from the great staff), is how everything is available to test and try on. By the time we walked down the nail polish aisle, Ruby had 10 different shades of polish on. When asked if she liked Taylor Swift, she was quickly escorted to the perfume section where a sample of her latest perfume was put in her very own sample bottle to take home. And when we encountered the lipstick aisle, I knew we would not leave before testing at least one lip gloss.
So, what does any 9 year old girl request when given an array of lipstick choices? Why Moulin Rouge of course! Up at the beauty counter she sat as the make up artist outlined and painted her lips the brightest color of red. She giggled hysterically and then insisted that I have my turn.
In the end, we both looked like reality tv mean princesses. We decided we'd give make-up a few more years. She decided we looked too much like Olivia (a story about a pig that is always in some kind of mischief.) And I decided I just might splurge on the brown sugar lip exfoliant on my next visit.